Why strive to live a Christian life that means more than attending a Christmas service or Easter service once a year? Why struggle against our sinfulness and try to be holy? The answer is a simple one, yet often overlooked. It is because, as the psalmist would say, “for your name’s sake.”
God’s name, His honor, is at stake. When we live for ourselves or we live without any sense of anguish over a bad character flaw that offends others, we are tarnishing the name of God. When one Christian is labeled a hypocrite, this greatly impedes and weakens the witness of those who are trying their best to live in a way that pleases God.
God’s honor is a far greater motivation than simply finding personal fulfillment or being at peace or feeling like we are making a difference in this world for God. If we do live for God’s name sake, then people will take notice and realize that God may in fact be relevant still.