It is finished (John 19:30).
The Greek word is tetelestai. This word has 2 meanings in the Greek. First, it suggests that it is finished, perfected, fully completed, mission accomplished. Second, this word has a secular meaning which signifies a full payment of a debt.
From the moment that Adam and Eve sinned, they put fig leaves to cover their nakedness. In an act of mercy and justice, blood was shed and they were given animal skins to cover themselves. From that point on and throughout the OT, animals had to be sacrificed and blood was shed for the sins of the people.
On the cross, Jesus accomplished the mission, he finished what he came to do, that is, to become the eternal Lamb slain for us. More than that, tetelestai has a secondary meaning about fully paying off a debt. In the days of Jesus, parchments on which the debt was recorded was stamped with tetelestai, which meant the debt had been paid in full.
On the cross, Jesus stamped PAID IN FULL on our sinful record. He did it all. He finished the work of atonement and salvation. There is nothing more we could have done in our past and nothing more we can do today going forward.
In light of Easter, I pray that we can continue to marvel at what Jesus did for us on the cross as we live out a resurrection faith of joy and gratitude and freedom.