Matt Chandler T4G: Christ is All
Dr. Heath Lambert: We Can Do Better Than This (Speaking the Truth in Love in an Internet Age)
This article was written by Dr. Heath Lambert, Associate Professor of Biblical Counseling at Southern Seminary and Boyce College. More Heat Than Light I was so disappointed when David Murray posted about me on his website after some blogs I wrote last week on mental illness. I heard about his post from several people who […]
Dr. Heath Lambert: Can Jesus Heal Mental Illness? (pt 4 of 4)
In this post I want to talk about the relationship of suffering to the spiritual issues that our culture often refers to as mental illness. At times the biblical counseling movement has received a bad rap for equating the kinds of spiritual issues on the table in counseling with sin. I want to make clear that sins […]
David Platt – Relenting Wrath: The Role of Desperate Prayer in the Mystery of Divine Providence
Dr. Heath Lambert: Can Jesus Heal Mental Illness? (pt 3 of 4)
This article was written by Dr. Heath Lambert, an Assistant Professor of Biblical Counseling at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Jesus, Healing, and the Spiritual Nature of Mental Illness In Part 1 of this series I discussed the difficulty of defining mental illness because it is not a concrete object, but an abstract idea that […]