2 Thess 2:3 [READ] The first thing that needs to happen before the Day of the Lord is the apostasy. Apostasy means rebellion or a leaving from a previous standing. Or a falling away from the truth by those who once held it. That’s number one. The second thing that needs to happen before the […]
2 Thess 2: Scare the Hell Out of You (pt1 of 3)
Text: 2 Thess 2:1-12 We are going to finish 2 Thessalonians today in a single message because this second letter to the church at Thessalonica is very similar to the first letter. As the title suggests, I have one objective today. I want to scare the hell out of you. We don’t talk much about […]
Daniel B. Wallace: The Uneasy Conscience of a Non-Charismatic Evangelical
Many seminary students who have taken Greek probably heard of Daniel B. Wallace. While I don’t agree with his cessationist stance, he describes in surprising ways the angst of someone who is not content with the typical conservative, evangelical’s experience with God. Here is the original article. Introduction As is the case with past presidents […]
Pew Research: A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World’s Christian Population
This article is posted here. As of December 2011, according to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity, there are about 279 million pentecostal Christians and 305 million charismatic Christians worldwide. (Charismatic Christians belong to non-pentecostal denominations yet engage in spiritual practices associated with pentecostalism, such as speaking in tongues and divine healing; see […]
Gospel Coalition: Where Did All These Pentecostals and Charismatics Come From?
This article was posted on the Gospel Coalition website. Where in the world did all these Pentecostals and charismatics come from? In the explosive growth and geographical extension of Pentecostal and charismatic groups, we are witnessing one of the most if not the most stunning episodes of Christian expansion ever. In the not-too-distant future Pentecostals […]
Tim Keller’s quote on the Charismatic Movement
Here is a quote from an article posted on a PCA website. “As Reformed people, we tend to be dismissive of the charismatic movement,” Keller said. He pointed out that there’s a lot of “unfortunate and bad theology there,” including the “prosperity gospel,” which is often integrated into charismatic teaching. But Keller points out that […]