What about Joseph? Matt 1:18-19 [READ] Joseph’s first Christmas did not start very peacefully either. Matt 1:18-19 [READ] Put yourself in Joseph’s shoes. He is about to marry the love of his life. Then, he gets the news. I wonder how that conversation went down. Uh, honey, I have something to tell you. Why don’t […]
Christmas 2013 – Be a Worshiper (pt1 of 3)
Luke 2 14 Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to people He favors! This is a famous verse during the holiday season. You see it on Christmas cards. We sing it in our Christmas carols. Today, I want us to try to understand this verse in the context of the […]
Re: Mark Driscoll
Here is a thoughtful piece written by Jared Wilson posted on the Gospel Coalition website. I think he is right on the money. There are lots of people who want Mark Driscoll to fail and fall. I am not one of them. I love and respect Pastor Mark. His preaching helped saved my life. I […]
Colossians 3: Putting on Christ (pt3 of 3)
When I was in the 6th grade, I started taekwondo. I was a chubby, shy kid back then and my parents wanted to teach me some discipline so I started training under a 10th degree black belt, which is the highest rank you can get up to. There were photographs of the Grand Master Kwan […]
Colossians 3: Putting on Christ (pt2 of 3)
The second set of sins is a little more subtle. Verse 8 – anger, wrath, malice, slander, filthy language. Verse 9 – lying. I meet a lot of so-called Christians who are angry, they are wrathful, they have malice in their hearts, they wish harm and ill-will toward another person, they are bitter, they harbor […]
Colossians 3: Putting on Christ (pt1 of 3)
Text: Col 3:1-17 We are wrapping up the book of Colossians today. We started by talking about the gospel. Col 1:3-6. [READ] Paul preached the gospel to the Colossians. The gospel is the good news of Jesus dying on a cross for hopeless and helpless sinners. Jesus conquered sin and death by resurrecting 3 days […]