The title of today’s sermon is “Become a Gospel Partner.” Do you believe in the gospel? I mean, do you really believe? If so, how do you know if your belief is authentic? Belief in Jesus is never a private, personal matter. Belief in Jesus always leads to suffering for Jesus. Here, we’re not talking […]
Amazing Grace by Wintley Phipps
Should Pastors Publicly Rebuke from behind the Pulpit?
This video clip made me cringe. An Oklahoma pastor spent five minutes of Sunday worship calling out parishioners by name for their flaws—including sleeping. “You’re one of the sorriest church members I have—you’re not worth 15 cents,” said Jim Standridge, pastor of Skiatook’s Immanuel Baptist Church, to one attendee. A recording of the incident has […]
Eph 5 – The Link Between Marriage, Christ and Church (pt3 of 3)
“One Flesh” 31 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This phrase, one flesh, refers to deep soul-level oneness. It’s not oil and vinegar, which just sits on top of each other when you mix them. Or, chocolate […]
Eph 5 – The Link Between Marriage, Christ and Church (pt2 of 3)
“Leave” 31 For this reason a man will leave… The word for “leave” is a strong word. It can be translated as leave behind, neglect, forsake, abandon. Who are we called to leave? Father and mother. There is no society like Western society that de-emphasizes the obligation to your parents. But Asians, I think we […]
Eph 5 – The Link Between Marriage, Christ and Church (pt1 of 3)
Last week, we talked about how marriage is a vehicle of our sanctification. This week, I want to talk about an aspect of sanctification. We are sanctified as we are completed, completed in marriage, completed in church and ultimately completed in Jesus. Eph 5 31 For this reason a man will leave his father and […]