Dr. Thom S. Rainer, the president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources, conducted a survey about the number of hours pastors work in a typical week. [Prior to LifeWay, he served at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for twelve years where he was the founding dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions and Evangelism. […]
Michael Horton and Rod Rosenbladt Discuss Vocation
Michael Horton and Rod Rosenbladt of the White Horse Inn sat down with Dan Siedell of Knox Theological Seminary and LIBERATE, to discuss the Reformation recovery of vocation and its relationship to the doctrine of justification.
Eph 4: The Truthful Church (pt3 of 3)
How do we reach Christianity maturity? 3 points. 1) Leaders train. 2) Members minister. 3) Most importantly, all of us have been given the task of speaking the truth in love to one another. First, leaders train. Pastors, evangelists, teachers – typically, people with these gifts form the leadership of the church. And what do […]
Eph 4: The Truthful Church (pt2 of 3)
To diligently keep the unity, the people of God have to live lives worthy of our salvation. In other words, they have to be true Christians who are humble and gentle and patient and accepting of one another in love. How is unity broken? By taking the completely opposite attitude and behavior that true believers […]
Eph 4: The Truthful Church (pt1 of 3)
Today, I want to talk about Christian maturity. Individual maturity is important, but equally important is the maturity of our church. We have some mature or maturing members of this church, but in my opinion, as a church, we are still immature. How do we become mature corporately as members of Hill Community Church? That’s […]
Tim Keller on C.S. Lewis