Here is a disturbing article by Conor Friedersdorf. Please sit down and pray before reading on. Please note: This post contains graphic descriptions and imagery. The dead babies. The exploited women. The racism. The numerous governmental failures. It is thoroughly newsworthy. A procedure room at the Women’s Medical Society. / Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office The grand […]
Why Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s Trial Should Be a Front-Page Story
2 Corinthians – Teaching #1: Repentance and the Reality of Spiritual Battle (pt3 of 3)
Instead of binding you with religion, Paul said, you were not bound under my leadership. Actually, as an apostle, I will allow myself to be bound for your sake. For the sake of church planting and missions, I will endure whatever hardships come my way because Satan doesn’t want God’s work to advance. If you […]
2 Corinthians – Teaching #1: Repentance and the Reality of Spiritual Battle (pt2 of 3)
There was a happy ending, but there were 6-7 years of a rocky relationship between Paul and the Corinthian church. And much of time, Paul was not there. Either because of missions or because he wasn’t welcome. You can see how false apostles could easily turn the Corinthians against Paul. Not only does he not […]
2 Corinthians – Teaching #1: Repentance and the Reality of Spiritual Battle (pt1 of 3)
Main text: 2 Cor 11:1-15 About a year ago, we finished 1 Corinthians and took a break from our trek through the Bible to study the gospel of Matthew. Now, we are picking up where we left off and starting today, I will preach the next 7 weeks from 2 Corinthians. You may find it […]
Son of Pastor Rick Warren commits suicide
Just heard some tragic news. Send some prayers out on behalf of the Warren family. (CNN) –After a lifelong battle with mental illness, the youngest son of Pastor Rick Warren has committed suicide, his family said. Matthew Warren, 27, died from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound on Friday, said Deputy Daniel Aikin, with the Orange […]