Here are some verses I compiled in rough chronological order related to Passion Week.
Matt 26 – Jesus is Worth It: Love Extravagantly (pt3 of 3)
Underlying Judas’ betrayal, the motivation behind why Judas said, why wasn’t this money given to the poor was his love of money. Let’s call it what it is. Money was his idol. Judas didn’t love the poor. He didn’t love Jesus. He was ready to betray Jesus for $1,000. That’s how much Jesus was worth […]
Matt 26 – Jesus is Worth It: Love Extravagantly (pt2 of 3)
Compare the trio of Lazarus, Martha and Mary, their gratitude, with that of the disciples and Judas in particular. In Matt 26:8, you have a chorus of indignant disciples shouting, why this waste? I get it. We have to be good stewards. We can’t give away our life savings every single day in a moment […]
Matt 26 – Jesus is Worth It: Love Extravagantly (pt1 of 3)
Passion Week is right around the corner. It’s called Passion Week because of the “passion” or suffering Jesus underwent in the final week leading up to the crucifixion. Consider this. In the gospel of Matthew, out of twenty-eight chapters, eight are devoted to the final week of Jesus’ ministry. I’d say this week coming up […]
China Admits to the Greatest Slaughter in Human History
Article posted on the Gospel Coalition website. The Story: The Chinese government recently admitted that over the last four decades the country has aborted 336 million unborn children, many of them forcibly. The Background: According to the Financial Times, on March 14 the Chinese Health Ministry reported the following statistics for its family planning practices since 1971: — 336 […]
Quote on Friendship
This article was found in Tim Keller’s book, The Meaning of Marriage. “…the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person–having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is […]