My whole life has been wrapped in asking, Who is God? How do I have an intimate relationship with him? How can I listen to him knowing that he’s the one doing the speaking? I want the Holy Spirit to interpret the truth to me. I think that quiet intimacy with him, for me, is […]
Francis Chan Speaking Schedule 2013
March 1, 2013 Verge Conference – Austin, TX March 7-9, 2013 HIM Conference – Honolulu, HI March 15, 2013 Smoky Moutain Winterfest 2013 – Knoxville, TN
Matt 18: Relearning How to Be a Child of God (pt3 of 3)
Does this mean that we are to ignore sin in our fellow brother or sister’s life? No, of course not. Matthew 18 is the famous and unpopular chapter about church discipline. Jesus describes starting in v15 in very practical terms how we are to deal with a brother who sins against you. Go to the […]
Matt 18: Relearning How to Be a Child of God (pt2 of 3)
Do you feel a need to be constantly productive? Do you feel a need to keep proving yourself to the world? To yourself? Just one more thing off the list. Just one more achievement. One more degree. One more promotion. One level higher in the income bracket. There is no end to this. Often I […]
Matt 18: Relearning How to Be a Child of God (pt1 of 3)
Read Matt 18:1-6. If you read this chapter, you will notice one phrase that is repeated over and over. It’s the phrase, “little child” or “little children” or “little ones.” Jesus is making a point so he doesn’t say merely “child,” but he says “little” child. v2 – He called a little child and had […]
Matt 17: Faith of a Worshiper (pt3 of 3)
As a Christian, we can fall into 2 traps and in so doing lose our focus on Christ. We can focus on God’s people more than Jesus or we can focus on ministry more than Jesus. Either way, losing our focus on Jesus can cost us everything. What do I mean by that? On the […]