Love for neighbor is when you love others practically the same way you love yourself. Put yourself in the shoes of this half dead man. What if that was you? You were traveling and out of nowhere you got mugged, beaten up and that was you bleeding on the side of the road. How would […]
Three-Part Series on Vision 2013 – Love Neighbor (pt2 of 3)
Now that we explored the relationship between the greatest commandment–love God–and the second greatest commandment–love neighbor, that is, love for neighbor is a pretty good indicator of our love or lack of love for God, the natural question that follows is, who is my neighbor? Let’s turn back to our main text–Luke 10:25-37. In Luke […]
Three-Part Series on Vision 2013 – Love Neighbor (pt1 of 3)
Please turn your Bibles to Luke 10:25-37. Last week, we talked about 3 resolutions based on the Greatest Commandment and the Great Commission that I believe apply to all Christians. The 3 resolutions are: 1) Love God 2) Love Neighbor 3) Make Disciple We focused on loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and […]
Three-Part Series on Vision 2013 – Love God (pt3 of 3)
First, Jesus commands us to love God with all our heart. Not half-hearted. Not love some of the time when we feel like it. Whole-hearted devotion, all the time. The Bible stresses the importance of our heart. God looks at the heart because the heart is the control center. If your heart changes, your mind, […]
Three-Part Series on Vision 2013 – Love God (pt2 of 3)
This conversation is different. First off, this particular teacher of the law has been sitting in the background and listening to Jesus debate with other teachers of the law. And unlike the rest of his peers, this teacher of the law actually thinks Jesus has good answers. This teacher of the law is actually listening. […]
Three-Part Series on Vision 2013 – Love God (pt1 of 3)
Happy New Year! I hope you had a good Christmas and New Year’s. It’s great to have the students back. For you undergrads and grads, I trust that the restful break will translate into renewed vigor and enthusiasm to tackle your studies. Kids are back in school – kids, are you excited? Parents, are you […]