It’s Communion Sunday. Today, we talked about our love as a response to God’s love. As it says in 1 John 4– 1 John 4 10 This is love: NOT that we loved God, but that HE loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. How meaningful it is to […]
Incarnation: Longing to See Jesus (pt3 of 3)
4) The incarnation goes beyond this life and points to future glory. I already shared from Col 1:27, the mystery that has finally been disclosed–Christ in you. And Paul adds a phrase, Christ in you, the hope of glory. I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel very glorious. But there is hope, which […]
Incarnation: Longing to See Jesus (pt2 of 3)
Now, I’d like to share 5 things that we learn about God through the incarnation. The incarnation is a theological term which basically refers to God sending His Son to earth to become a man. The Son of God became a man, He became flesh and dwelt with us. He lived among us. Your first […]
Incarnation: Longing to See Jesus (pt1 of 3)
Today is part 2 of our Christmas series. I am going to follow up on the theme of the incarnation that I introduced briefly last week. But today as we wrap up the new year, it’s also going to be part reflection, part confession, part hope for how things might be different in the new […]
A Catholic priests reflects on the Sandy Hook tragedy
Article by MAUREEN DOWD, posted on The New York Times. When my friend Robin was dying, she asked me if I knew a priest she could talk to who would not be, as she put it, “too judgmental.” I knew the perfect man, a friend of our family, a priest conjured up out of an […]
Christmas 2012 – Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus and A Savior for our Sins (pt3 of 3)
God spoke to Mary and Joseph each individually. Then, they came together as a couple. Consider how hard it must have been for Joseph and Mary as a couple. This year is the first year I noticed that there were no family members of either side to witness the birth of Jesus. When a baby […]