This article from CNN contains 2 views. Clearly, I believe in the second view by Mark Driscoll. Read and decide for yourself. View #1: The dangerous effects of believing in hell Editor’s note: Frank Schaeffer is a New York Times bestselling author. By Frank Schaeffer, Special to CNN Is it any coincidence that the latest war of […]
Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7): Being Doers of the Word (pt4 of 4)
Fourth, in the area of finances, let’s practice what Jesus says here. Matt 6:24 – Jesus mentions that if you boil it down, there are only 2 masters out there: God or Money. How do we know if our master is God or if it’s Money? The verses prior to Matt 6:24 and the verses […]
Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7): Being Doers of the Word (pt3 of 4)
Next, Jesus gives us a second area that we can put into practice, namely in our public witness. Matthew 5:13-16 talks about being salt and light. Why are we to be salt and light? v16– Matt 5 16 In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds […]
Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7): Being Doers of the Word (pt2 of 4)
First, in personal life, we are to examine ourselves. Examine? I thought we were to never doubt, never question and always have faith. I have assurance of salvation. I cried in junior high during a retreat so I’m set. Why do I need to examine? Because our heart is deceitful. We can be sincere, but […]
Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7): Being Doers of the Word (pt1 of 4)
Read Matt 7:24-27. One of the keywords in this text is practice. To get good at anything takes practice. Playing sports or playing an instrument, or learning a new subject takes practice. When it comes to school, you have to practice what you heard in the classroom at night when you’re alone and it’s time […]
John Piper: The Mocking of Muhammad and Condemning of Christ
by David Mathis | September 14, 2012 Jesus’s uniqueness and beauty is on display if his followers respond with grace when he is reviled. When adherents of Islam counter the mocking of their central figure with outrage and violence, they provide “another vivid depiction of the difference between Muhammad and Christ, and what it means to follow each,” […]