This is a recent post from Francis Chan. It seems to be the first question everyone asks when they see me, so I’m posting the ministries I am currently involved with… I’m working with my friends David Platt and Mark Beuving in developing a discipleship tool that will help equip believers to make disciples. I […]
Preliminary panel finds CJ Mahaney is still fit for ministry
The following post is from the SGM blog. Two weeks ago we formed a preliminary panel to help us evaluate C.J. Mahaney’s fitness for ministry. We invited several men to participate who had basic doctrinal agreement with Sovereign Grace Ministries, biblical/theological expertise, pastoral experience, and perspectives from a variety of evangelical traditions. Kevin DeYoung, Carl […]
Congratulations to the wedding of Jason (my brother) and Betty!
1 Cor 1:10-31 – Celebrity Christians vs. the Cross (pt 3 of 3)
Then, Paul goes on to remind the Corinthians about who they were before Christ. Just to show how different and out of this world God’s new wisdom and power are, God doesn’t save people based on our worldly credentials or talents or our pedigree. Remember, many members of the church at Corinth were ex-slaves and […]
1 Cor 1:10-31 – Celebrity Christians vs. the Cross (pt 2 of 3)
Paul mentions this absurd view of baptism. Then he mentions the historical reality, namely that he baptized so few among them, thank goodness. And he did this ultimately in order to expose the folly of their allegiance to human leaders. 22 Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom. This mindset of choosing leaders […]
1 Cor 1:10-31 – Celebrity Christians vs. the Cross (pt 1 of 3)
Text: 1 Cor 1:10-31 I used to work for a in West Hollywood for about 4 years and during that span, I saw a bunch of celebrities: Ron Howard, Bill Murray, the Japanese character Hiro from the TV series Heroes, the cheerleader from Heroes, Baron Davis, the American Idol winner from 2-3 years ago, […]