Why do we naturally gravitate toward religion? It’s because we often are worshiping ourselves even the midst of looking religious. If you recall, one of the consequences of sin from Romans 1 is that we exchanged the glory of God for idols. And one of the most prominent idols of our era is individualism. John […]
Romans 12: The Dance of God pt 1 of 4
Romans 12:9-21 Today, we are going to talk about the Trinity. I heard that Brother Daniel was on fire a couple of weeks ago. Were you blessed? If you would like to hear him preach more regularly, would you put your hands together and make some noise? I think this might be God’s confirmation. I […]
Matthew 26: The Last Supper and the Lord's Supper pt 4 of 4
Repentance and faith — in a nutshell, this is what it means to be saved. So we’ve talked about how — 1) God’s sovereignty and human free will need to always be held in tension and we see this in Judas’ choice to betray Jesus. 2) Judas is condemned because he lacked repentance and faith. […]
Matthew 26: The Last Supper and the Lord's Supper pt 3 of 4
1) God’s sovereignty and human free will need to always be held in tension and we see this in Judas’ choice to betray Jesus. That’s the first point. 2) Judas is condemned because he lacked repentance and faith. Now, let’s look at the character of Judas more specifically. Within the group, he was the keeper […]
Matthew 26: The Last Supper and the Lord's Supper pt 2 of 4
That’s one prophecy from the book of Jeremiah. We pick up the strand of God’s redemption history in Zech 11. Zechariah was another prophet who came upon the scene after Jeremiah. While the Israelites were captives in Babylon and the temple lie in ruins, Babylon was attacked by Cyrus, the king of Persia, and Babylon […]
Matthew 26: The Last Supper and the Lord's Supper pt 1 of 4
For this month, we’re going to take a break from Romans and study the Passion accounts in preparation for Good Friday and Easter. Matthew 26:14-30. Today, I have 3 points. 1) God’s sovereignty and human free will need to always be held in tension and we see this in Judas’ choice to betray Jesus. 2) […]