The Powerful Life of the Praying Pastor: In His Room, With His Family, Among the People of God Minneapolis, Minnesota, Jan-Feb 2011 Attending this conference was a great way to prepare myself for my ordination. It was a double blessing because several brothers also got to join. To see the video, click here. Being Amazed […]
Desiring God Pastor's Conference 2011: Dr. Joel Beeke Speaks about Leading Family Worship
The Powerful Life of the Praying Pastor: In His Room, With His Family, Among the People of God Minneapolis, Minnesota, Jan-Feb 2011 Attending this conference was a great way to prepare myself for my ordination. It was a double blessing because several brothers also got to join. To see the video, click here. Here is […]
Desiring God Pastor's Conference 2011: Dr. Joel Beeke Speaks on Cultivating Private Prayer
The Powerful Life of the Praying Pastor: In His Room, With His Family, Among the People of God Minneapolis, Minnesota, Jan-Feb 2011 Attending this conference was a great way to prepare myself for my ordination. It was a double blessing because several brothers also got to join. To see the video, go to Here […]
John Piper's prayer for Japan
Here is a prayer by John Piper for Japan. The power of moving water is greater than most of us can imagine. Nothing stands before it. We are driven to our knees: [youtube=] Father in heaven, you are the absolute Sovereign over the shaking of the earth, the rising of the sea, and the raging […]
Book Review: The Nine Marks of a Healthy Church
The two most easily recognizable hallmarks of secularization in America are the exaltation of numbers and of technique. ~Os Guinness, p.24 Here are the 9 Marks of a Healthy Church: #1 Expositional Preaching I will sometimes be surprised by the point of the passage and therefore by what must become the point of my message… […]
Romans 12:3-8 Spiritual Gifts (pt 4 of 4)
To sum up what we’ve talked about so far — 1) What is the most important thing to keep in mind when seeking after and exercising spiritual gifts? Answer: love for God and for people. Love is the greater gift, greater than all the other spiritual gifts. Love is the prerequisite before you can start […]