Text: Acts 1:14; 2:1-13 Summary: What is the purpose of the Sunday gathering? Why is there such unity in the world, yet so much disunity in God’s Church? Listen as we discuss how true unity can be achieved.
The Problem of a Hardened Heart
Audio file Text: Mark 4:16-17 Summary: What causes a hardened heart? 3 things: 1) reducing Christianity to a religion of principles, doctrines, and traditions of men (Mark 7:5-8); 2) not using what you already know (Mark 4:21-25); 3) allowing persecution to bother you (Mark 4:16-17).
Score – Me: 0, Jesus: 100
Audio file Text: Mark 4:14-20 Summary: If you are not bearing a hundredfold fruit of Jesus in your life, could it be that there are thorns (other desires) that are choking your desire for Jesus?
Desiring Jesus, Being Near Jesus, and Bearing the Reproach of Jesus
Text: Psalm 73:21-28; Mark 3:13-15, 20-22, 31-35 Do the will of God by desiring Jesus, being near Jesus, and bearing the reproach of Jesus.
The Heart of the Father and Jonah’s Anger
Audio file Text: Jonah 4 Summary: Recognize the anger and unforgiveness that leads to a root of bitterness. Repent of the anger, the irritability, the harshness. Ask for forgiveness by the blood of Jesus. Forgive those who have sinned against you. Uproot the root of bitterness in Jesus Name. Ask for God’s heart toward those […]
Pulling Down Strongholds
Text: 2 Cor 10:1-6 Summary: To start, we want to use our mouths to declare 2 truths. One, the Truth will set you free. And two, Jesus was wounded so that all of our wounds can be healed. God’s heart is balanced and consistent. How can we healed of all of our imbalances and inconsistencies […]