When I was in the 6th grade, I started taekwondo. I was a chubby, shy kid back then and my parents wanted to teach me some discipline so I started training under a 10th degree black belt, which is the highest rank you can get up to. There were photographs of the Grand Master Kwan […]
Colossians 3: Putting on Christ (pt2 of 3)
The second set of sins is a little more subtle. Verse 8 – anger, wrath, malice, slander, filthy language. Verse 9 – lying. I meet a lot of so-called Christians who are angry, they are wrathful, they have malice in their hearts, they wish harm and ill-will toward another person, they are bitter, they harbor […]
Colossians 3: Putting on Christ (pt1 of 3)
Text: Col 3:1-17 We are wrapping up the book of Colossians today. We started by talking about the gospel. Col 1:3-6. [READ] Paul preached the gospel to the Colossians. The gospel is the good news of Jesus dying on a cross for hopeless and helpless sinners. Jesus conquered sin and death by resurrecting 3 days […]
Colossians 2: Don’t Lose Your Head (pt3 of 3)
Practically, what were the false teachers saying to the Colossian church? v21 – “Don’t handle, don’t taste, don’t touch?” The false teachers tried to turn the church at Colossae from a community of grace to a community of performance. From a true community of life-giving faith into a community of religion and rules and regulations […]
Colossians 2: Don’t Lose Your Head (pt2 of 3)
If God’s desire is for us to stay connected to Jesus so that you can continue to be nourished and grow spiritually, what do you think Satan’s desire is? Isn’t it quite obvious? Satan will do everything in his power to get you and me to let go of Jesus and to make something else […]
Colossians 2: Don’t Lose Your Head (pt1 of 3)
Text: Col 2:1-23 Last week, we spent most of our time on one verse. Col 1:18 [READ] If you recall, the main point of last Sunday’s sermon was rather simple–Jesus is first place. We worked our way backward through v18. First, as a summary statement, we read that Jesus is first place in everything. Next, […]