Who’s the recipient of this judgment? Our brother. We judge fellow believers. We have a responsibility to speak into each other’s lives. God will hold us accountable if we don’t. If there is blatant sin and we look the other way, God is going to have something to say to us on our personal Judgment […]
Matthew 7:1-6 – Judging Without a Judgmental Spirit (pt2 of 3)
When we read about the narrow gate and the broad gate in v13-14, we probably think those on the broad road to destruction are completely irreligious drug addicts and prostitutes who love listening to heavy metal bands like Megadeth and Black Sabbath. If you follow Jesus’ argument throughout the Sermon on the Mount, it seems […]
Matthew 7:1-6 – Judging Without a Judgmental Spirit (pt1 of 3)
I don’t believe in accidents in God’s kingdom. You could call it a coincidence, but I think it was a divine appointment that I happened to click on a facebook link posted by another church planter, Pastor PJ of Crossview in LA. And halfway through watching this video, it dawned on me, hey, I know […]
Francis Chan: The American Church is pretty stoppable
My reflection: In my opinion, Francis is a modern day prophet. We are followers of Jesus, not followers of church. If we are following Jesus and genuine followers of Jesus gather together, then you have church. You can’t have it the other way around. You can’t say follow church and assume you have a group […]
The King in His Beauty: Tom Schreiner on His New Biblical Theology
This article was posted on the Gospel Coalition website. Really good book if you are trying to get deeper in the Word. In the closing chapter of the Bible, faith vanishes into sight and the “age of the ear” yields to the “age of the eye” as God’s people see his face (Rev. 22:4). Isaiah’s […]
Vision 2014: Hearts Ablaze (pt3 of 3)
For those who will join me in reading 3, 5, 10 chapters or more of Scripture this year, I want to give you a lens that I think will help you stay motivated and give you a good framework so that you don’t get lost in the details, esp. as you read the Old Testament. […]