Col 1:15-20 [READ] What a beautiful hymn to our most beautiful Jesus! There are few passages in Scripture that I would choose to give thanksgiving to Jesus than Col 1:15-20. What are two reasons to be thankful for Jesus 1) First of all, I am thankful because Jesus created us. Gen 1 1 In the […]
Col 1 – Two Reasons to be Thankful (pt1 of 3)
Happy early Thanksgiving! I am thankful today for many reasons. I have 5 reasons I am thankful today. The first 3 are easy to remember because they begin with the letter “T.” “T” for Thanksgiving. 3 T’s for why I am thankful. First T: Turkeys. I am thankful for turkeys. Turkeys all around the world […]
John MacArthur and Mark Driscoll: Opposing Views on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
In case you missed what is happening in recent weeks between John MacArthur and Mark Driscoll, here is a quick summary. John MacArthur just came out with this book: Mark Driscoll came out with a book which has a chapter in it where he takes the complete opposite position as MacArthur:
One Year Anniversary of Hill Community Church
Welcome to the Hill. We are so happy you could join us on this joyous occasion. This might not be conventional, but I want to start by telling a joke. What do you get when you have two Caucasian pastors, an African American pastor, a Filipino American pastor and a Korean American pastor gathered in […]
Lord’s Supper
The Lord’s Supper is based on the Last Supper, the final meal between Jesus and his closest disciples before Jesus was arrested, beaten and crucified. We mustn’t forget that this meal happened during Passover. It was a Passover meal when every year, Jews from every family would gather together and share a meal remembering the […]
Francis Chan Speaking Schedule 2014
January 17 & 18, 2014 Passion Conference – Atlanta, GA January 31 – Feb. 2, 2014 World Mandate West – San Diego, CA February 3, 2014 Azusa Pacific University Chapel – Azusa, CA