Today, I want to talk about Christian maturity. Individual maturity is important, but equally important is the maturity of our church. We have some mature or maturing members of this church, but in my opinion, as a church, we are still immature. How do we become mature corporately as members of Hill Community Church? That’s […]
Tim Keller on C.S. Lewis
Eph 2-3: The Multi-faceted Mystery of the Messiah (pt3 of 3)
This mystery of the Messiah is revealed to Paul and for the first time to his generation. It doesn’t stop there, though. Interestingly, a second audience is mentioned. Eph 3:8-10– Eph 3 8 This grace was given to me—the least of all the saints—to proclaim to the Gentiles the incalculable riches of the Messiah, 9 […]
Eph 2-3: The Multi-faceted Mystery of the Messiah (pt2 of 3)
The God of the Bible is a Holy God and he cannot tolerate even an ounce of sin. This is a hard concept for us to comprehend because we are not holy. Even if our actions are respectable, nobody is respectable in their hearts all the time. We have unholy thoughts, immoral thoughts, our hearts […]
Eph 2-3: The Multi-faceted Mystery of the Messiah (pt1 of 3)
For as long as I can remember, I always loved a good mystery novel. Encyclopedia Brown, then the Hardy Boys, Agatha Christie, Edgar Allen Poe, Stephen King, Twilight. No, not Twilight. I even like games when you don’t know who’s who. Like 5 player Hearts, or Bang or Mafia. Secrets, people pretending to be good […]
Book of Ephesians – Prayer: Life is a Battle for Your Soul (pt3 of 3)
Let’s explore the progression of spiritual attack. Negative words spoken against us lead to anger and then the words turn into repeated thoughts and these repeated thoughts harden into strongholds. And once Satan has a stronghold in your heart, you’ve lost the spiritual battle. If you are not growing spiritually, chances are, there is a […]