Just heard some tragic news. Send some prayers out on behalf of the Warren family. (CNN) –After a lifelong battle with mental illness, the youngest son of Pastor Rick Warren has committed suicide, his family said. Matthew Warren, 27, died from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound on Friday, said Deputy Daniel Aikin, with the Orange […]
John Piper reflects on his first day after retiring from the pastorate
I’ve been thinking about how much I love finishing things. I get great pleasure in finishing — a poem, a sermon, a book, or cutting the grass, or fixing the dripping faucet, or selling our car. It’s hard for me to walk away from something half done. But, of course, anything that takes longer than […]
John Piper’s final sermon at Bethlehem Baptist Church
God Raised Your Great Shepherd from the Dead from Desiring God on Vimeo. On January 27, 1980 I preached my candidating sermon at Bethlehem on Philippians 1:20, “It is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be magnified in […]
Easter Sunday – Resurrection Faith: Just As He Said (Matt 28:1-10)
Main text: Matt 28:1-10 Happy Easter! He is risen. Did you know that every Sunday is a resurrection Sunday? When we gather for Sunday worship each and every week, we are gathering to celebrate His resurrection. Worship has to be the dominant flavor of our Sunday gathering. Because God so loved us, He loved us […]
Good Friday 2013 Prayer Slides
Download pdf of verses with full slides. Download pdf of verses in plain text.
Good Friday: Lord’s Supper
Before we partake in communion, I want to explain some background to help us see why we, as the body of Christ, need to repent before God, and Lord willing, before one another so that we can truly gather at the foot of the cross as ONE unified, redeemed, forgiven people of God. I am […]