This article was found in Tim Keller’s book, The Meaning of Marriage. “…the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person–having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is […]
A SBC Leader Denounces Papacy
This is a re-post of this article quoting some statements from Dr. Albert Mohler. A Southern Baptist seminary president urged evangelicals not to get too caught up in all the excitement surrounding the naming of a new pope. “Evangelical Christians simply cannot accept the legitimacy of the papacy and must resist and reject claims of […]
Matt 25 – Waiting for the Coming Bridegroom (pt3 of 3)
I was meditating on this section while I was at a cafe in San Marino and I got a chance to do a prayer walk nearby in a neighborhood filled with million dollar homes. And God spoke to me and what I am about to say is uncomfortable. It’s uncomfortable for me as I struggle […]
Matt 25 – Waiting for the Coming Bridegroom (pt2 of 3)
In the parable of the ten virgins, half of them were ready and half of them weren’t. The groom, who represents Jesus, is delayed. 5 Since the groom was delayed, they all became drowsy and fell asleep. Notice that it is not foolish to sleep. All ten slept, not just the foolish. This is not […]
Matt 25 – Waiting for the Coming Bridegroom (pt1 of 3)
In Oct 1998, I was 23 going on 24 and single. I was making decent money at a startup in downtown San Francisco, plenty for a single guy back then. I was ministering to UC Berkeley students where I went to school. I had some great friends from college who stuck around after graduation that […]
Matt 24 – End Times: Missions, Faithful Service, Perseverance, and Watchful Readiness (pt3 of 3)
Here are some Tier 1 applications. Two are public applications (how we treat others) and two are personal (how we prepare ourselves to meet the coming Christ). 1) The Importance of Evangelism and Missions 14 This good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a testimony to all nations. And […]