Christianity is not a show, it’s not a performance lived out before men. If the way of the Pharisee is pompous, trumpet sounding ostentation, then what is the way of a Christian? It’s the way of secrecy. This is the second litmus test. A Christian knows how to cultivate a secret faith before God. 3 […]
Matthew 6 – The Lord’s Prayer (pt1 of 4)
Today, we are going to cover the Lord’s Prayer. Read Matt 6:9-15. This chapter is packed. If you’ve been to church for a while, chances are, you’ve probably listened to sermons about the Lord’s Prayer, or storing up treasures in heaven, or seeking God’s kingdom and righteousness first. But what you may or may not […]
The Episcopal Church: a case study of the link between liberalism and decline
NY Times article by Ross Douthat IN 1998, John Shelby Spong, then the reliably controversial Episcopal bishop of Newark, published a book entitled “Why Christianity Must Change or Die.” Spong was a uniquely radical figure — during his career, he dismissed almost every element of traditional Christian faith as so much superstition — but most […]
Francis Chan Speaks About Disciple Making at Moody (Feb 2012)
Rick Warren: Every Pastor Needs a Mentor
Article by Rick Warren. Every pastor needs a mentor. No matter what stage you are in your ministry, you need someone to coach you. All sorts of organizations use the mentoring process to make people better at what they do. In medicine, doctors mentor younger doctors. In music, musicians mentor other musicians. Why? It works. […]
Evangelist Billy Graham defends Chick-fil-A
As predicted by those in the Reformed circle, liberalism is a slippery slope. First, you remove inerrancy. Then, you stop speaking about gender differences. Now, the battle lines are being drawn around sexuality and what constitutes a “family.” By Richard Allen Greene, CNN (CNN)– Billy Graham, the dean of American evangelists, has once again broken […]