How can we be merciful? First, you have to see how much sin you have been pardoned by a Holy God. Second, you have to see that the same sins that you see in others are in you. Take for example a sin like sexual harassment. Let’s say the person guilty of sexual harassment is […]
Matt 5:1-12 – Relational Qualities of Being Meek and Merciful (pt 3 of 4)
The next relational blessing is related to meekness. v7– 7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. I think you can see how these 8 qualities are all connected. Christians ought to progress in all 8 of these areas simultaneously. If you are poor in spirit, if you understand how impoverished you […]
Matt 5:1-12 – Relational Qualities of Being Meek and Merciful (pt 2 of 4)
When you hear the word “meek,” what comes to mind? You’re probably thinking doormat. A guy who gets struck on the cheek and he’s too chicken to fight back so he turns and offers his other check. People have a notion that Christians are so wimpy. A couple of weeks ago, I was making a […]
Matt 5:1-12 – Relational Qualities of Being Meek and Merciful (pt 1 of 4)
Read Matthew 5:1-12. We are continuing on in the Beatitudes which kicks off Jesus’ first and arguably most famous sermon, the Sermon on the Mount, which spans chapters 5-7 of Matthew. The Beatitudes contain 8 statements of blessing. As Brother Daniel shared last week, you can translate blessed in this passage as happy. Happy are […]
SBC Elects First African American President
God is up to something good. Please read article.
Matt 5:1-12 The Beatitudes: Personal Qualities of a Christian Disciple (pt4 of 4)
Personal: Blessed Are Those Who Mourn (v4) The blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the pure in heart, those who are pure in spirit. And lastly, v4– 4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. You feel a lack. The kingdom of God has come in part, but it’s […]