Read Matt 4:1-11. Last time, I spoke from Matthew 2 and 3 and we covered repentance and how true repentance is demonstrated by fruit. Nothing else determines the authenticity of our repentance. Not sincerity, not emotions, not tears, not church attendance. Only fruit matters. So here in Matthew 4:17, right after the temptation of Christ, […]
Matthew 2-3 – True Repentance (pt4 of 4)
We’ve been hearing messages about repentance for several weeks now. What have you done with those messages? Has it caused you to go home and make adjustments? Have you simplified your life and said no to many things that are eating up what little free time you have? Have you pruned things that are choking […]
Matthew 2-3 – True Repentance (pt3 of 4)
3) What is the only sign of repentance that counts? How do you know whether or not you’ve actually repented? And related to that, how do you know if you actually were saved or born again? One word – fruit. Fruit. Not church attendance. Not sincerity. Not tears. Not an emotional experience. Not reciting a […]
Matthew 2-3 – True Repentance (pt2 of 4)
We make snap judgments. And in that brief 2 second assessment, we divide people into 1 of 2 categories in relation to ourselves: either I feel superior to you or I feel inferior. We live in a world where the strong survive and the the weak are trampled over. So we have to fight for […]
Matthew 2-3 – True Repentance (pt1 of 4)
Happy Mother’s Day! Hope you had a chance to thank your mom today. Husbands, I trust that you’ve been extra nice to your wife. If you haven’t already, take her out to a nice dinner. Cook, do the dishes, laundry, give her a break. Being a mom is very hard and often a thankless job. […]
Lord’s Supper – 1 Cor 10
Read 1 Cor 10:14-22 Paul talks at length about the Lord’s Supper in chapter 11, which is the primary text that is read whenever this ordinance is observed, but here in chapter 10, he introduces the topic of Communion. And the context is idolatry. The point being, can you partake in the Lord’s Supper while […]