Elements of a Biblical Culture What is biblical culture? What are the non-negotiables? I’ve identified several elements of a biblical culture: 1) truth, 2) love and 3) unity. First, truth. Without truth, there is no true fellowship. Christianity begins with the truth that we are sinners. This is our starting point. We can’t have the […]
Vision for the Church: Fellowship (pt3 of 4)
One Body – One Level, Not Two Levels I am not sure if this is how you conceive of fellowship, or a church. You may be hearing all this talk about one body and being interconnected and prioritizing church and you’re thinking to yourself, this doesn’t apply to me. I am here to be served. […]
Vision for the Church: Fellowship (pt2 of 4)
1) Fellowship – Fellowship is where we put into practice what it says in God’s Word. You’re a member of LBC, now what? What Fellowship is Not We fellowship, right? Eat, play games, eat some more? How many Christian groups do you know that have the word “fellowship” in it? Many churches have “fellowship” in […]
Vision for the Church: Fellowship (pt1 of 4)
I want to give you about 5 minutes to read the verses on the handout. What should a church be about? I’ve been racking my brain for an analogy for church and two came to mind. One is a Tootsie Roll lollipop in reverse. You know a tootie roll lollipop – hard candy exterior and […]
Quote from Malcolm Muggeridge
“We look back on history and what do we see? Empires rising and falling, revolutions and counter-revolutions, wealth accumulating and wealth dispersed, one nation dominant and then another. Shakespeare speaks of ‘the rise and fall of great ones that ebb and flow with the moon.’ “In one lifetime I have seen my own fellow countrymen […]