Let me conclude now with some practical implications. First, God is much more concerned with the way you do the job that you now have than he is with you finding a new job. We have in this congregation IT professionals, project managers, pharmacists, consultants, students, and many more. And what we all need to […]
1 Cor 7:17-24 – Culture, Tradition, Vocation and Calling (pt2 of 3)
So quick review. Let’s follow Paul’s argument – circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, dressing in our Sunday best is nothing and dressing down is nothing, but keeping God’s commandments is everything. Obeying God where you are is what counts. Paul is radically God-oriented. Everything, everything falls before the priority of God. Culture and […]
1 Cor 7:17-24 – Culture, Tradition, Vocation and Calling (pt1 of 3)
I want to bring your attention to 3 verses. Notice verse 17– 1 Cor 7 17 Nevertheless, each one should RETAIN the place in life that the Lord assigned to him and to which God has CALLED him.
John Piper: Post-Resurrection Sin of Envy
After his resurrection from the dead, Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved him. He answered yes three times. Then Jesus told Peter how he would die—apparently by crucifixion. Peter wondered about how it would go with John. So he asked Jesus, “What about this man?” Jesus brushed off the question and said, “What […]
Rick Warren Devotional: Let God’s Word Activate Your Faith
“Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word about Christ.” (Romans 10:17 NIV) Most of us aren’t confident or courageous. Most of us are flat out scared to death. We’re afraid to take risks, afraid of failure, and afraid of dying. We’re not walking confidently because we’re not people […]
Lord’s Supper: In View of His Mercy and In View of His Coming
I can’t believe this is our final service at Coral. After a three month search and many meetings with various pastors and leaders in the area, we are finally moving to our new location in Old Town Pasadena. Friendship Baptist Church has graciously opened their doors to share their building with us. They pretty much […]