Written by Jon Bloom. Any time a selfish sinner is tasked with leading other selfish sinners in a Godward direction — whether in families, friendships, small groups, churches, or broader movements — there’s going to be trouble. Take Moses, for example. No Old Covenant leader was as meek as Moses (Numbers 12:3), had more intimate […]
Desiring God: Spiritual Leadership May Be Heartbreaking, but It Is Always Hopeful
1 Cor 7: Singleness and Marriage (pt4 of 4)
Bad marriages often involve people who are wounded. And what you will notice about those who have been wounded by significant others is that they have been oppressed, they have been mistreated, injustice has been done to them. But you will notice something else. You will notice that they are also very self-absorbed. They can’t […]
1 Cor 7: Singleness and Marriage (pt3 of 4)
Now we are ready to delve deeper into the topic of marriage. Paul gives an interesting insight regarding marriage in v4. It’s an odd verse. 4 The wife’s body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband’s body does not belong to him alone but also […]
1 Cor 7: Singleness and Marriage (pt2 of 4)
How does the world view or encourage singleness? I want to be single because I want to be ultimately free. I don’t want to get married because my spouse may cramp my style. I want to be able to do whatever I want, when I want. This is the world’s view of singleness. But the […]
1 Cor 7: Singleness and Marriage (pt1 of 4)
Today, we are going back to our study of 1 Corinthians. It’s been a long layoff since around Christmas at which time I went to more of a topical style of preaching. But we’re back. Our text is 1 Corinthians 7, the entire chapter, that’s the first part of the sermon. And Eph 5:15-21, the […]