1) Religion is about what you know. Love is about what you do. 2) Religion is reasonable and it doesn’t cost much. Love is full of interruptions and it’s costly. 3) Religion is about justifying oneself. Love is demonstrated by showing mercy to another. 29 But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, […]
2012 Vision – The Life of Jesus and the Good Samaritan (pt3 of 4)
So that completes our bird’s eye view of the life of Jesus. Now with that as the context, I think we are ready to tackle the parable of the Good Samaritan. Let’s read the text. Luke 10:25-37. Tying in the bird eye’s view of Jesus’ life, I want to end with 4 brief observations. And […]
2012 Vision – The Life of Jesus and the Good Samaritan (pt2 of 4)
v45 is a weird verse. Luke 9 45 But they did not understand what this meant. It was hidden from them, so that they did not grasp it, and they were afraid to ask him about it. Of course, this was a prediction of the cross where Jesus would die for their sins. And we […]
2012 Vision – The Life of Jesus and the Good Samaritan (pt1 of 4)
On New Year’s Day, not many of you were here, but we talked about the vision for LBC in 2012. What are we going to be about? What are we going to focus on? I mentioned last time that when choosing a vision statement or a mission statement or whatever you want to call it, […]
New Year’s Day 2012: Lord’s Supper
Please turn with me to 1 Cor 11:26. It’s the first day of the new year and it’s a time when you look back on the previous year, what went well, what didn’t, what were the lessons learned. If you haven’t had a chance to reflect on last year, I encourage you to do so. […]
2012 Vision – The Great Commandment, the Great Commission, and the Good Samaritan (pt3 of 3)
I hope you are beginning to see the thread running throughout Scripture and the pointers to Jesus and the things he emphasized. Now let’s study the context for the Great Commandment and the Great Commission a bit because I think there is a lot we can learn by doing so. Take for example, Mark 12:28-31. […]