3) For the Corinthians, what was the result of their blindness? Now we get into the specifics of Apostle Paul’s rebuke to this church. 1 It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that does not occur even among pagans: A man has his father’s wife. 2 And […]
1 Cor 5 – Spiritual Blindness (pt1 of 4)
Hope you had a good week. We had a great retreat last weekend and I trust that God is continuing to bear fruit in your life as you get into His Word individually and in groups of 2 and 3. I know one brother at least is memorizing Scripture starting from 1 Corinthians, another is […]
John Piper: How To Drink Orange Juice to the Glory of God
It is sin to eat or drink or do anything NOT for the glory of God. In other words, sin is not just a list of harmful things (killing, stealing, etc.). Sin is leaving God out of account in the ordinary affairs of your life. Sin is anything you do that you don’t do for […]
1 Cor 4 – Church Leadership: Who Should I Imitate? (pt 4 of 4)
Paul was powerful not only because he preached the same gospel wherever he went, but also because his way of life matched what he was preaching. When there is a close correlation between what a person says and how he lives, we refer to such a person as having integrity. If there is a large […]
1 Cor 4 – Church Leadership: Who Should I Imitate? (pt 3 of 4)
Okay, so that my long intro for what I really want to cover this morning. Paul says in v16, imitate me because I am your father in Christ. When it comes to discipleship, there are 2 extremes we should avoid. We should avoid–be just like me because I am your older and I am a […]
1 Cor 4 – Church Leadership: Who Should I Imitate? (pt 2 of 4)
Starting in v8, Paul juxtaposes the theology of self-glory and the theology of the cross so that we can see how diametrically they are opposed one from the other. Obviously, he is placing the Corinthian leadership in the wisdom of the world/theology of self-glory camp and he is placing himself as well as the rest […]