Last week, Brother Daniel said something that I have been thinking about. He said that when we look at life, we know that things are not supposed to be the way they are. When we look at a loved one dying of cancer, we know that things are not supposed to be like this. When […]
Quotes on “From Eternity to Here” by Frank Viola (Ch 5)
Quotes on “From Eternity to Here” by Frank Viola (Ch 5) The church, the bride of Christ, is the Second Eve. She is Christ in another form for she was taken out of Him. She takes the name of her Bridegroom. Just as Eve had Adam’s name before the fall, so the bride of Christ […]
Watch out for Christian jargon
Many Americans are bilingual. They speak a secular language of sports talk, celebrity gossip and current events. But mention religion and some become armchair preachers who pepper their conversations with popular Christian words and trendy theological phrases. Here is the full CNN article.
1 Cor 3:10-17, 9/11: Rebuilding from Ground Zero (pt 4 of 4)
I want to ask one final question — if it’s so obvious that Christians ought to build with imperishable materials — God and people — then why does it seem that so few build their lives in this way? The key is what I mentioned earlier — surrender. It is highly unlikely that you will […]
1 Cor 3:10-17, 9/11: Rebuilding from Ground Zero (pt 3 of 4)
But there is a second warning given here. v15 — 15 If it [which refers to your life’s work, if it…] is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames. Those who build using perishable materials will still be spared ultimate judgment as long […]
1 Cor 3:10-17, 9/11: Rebuilding from Ground Zero (pt 2 of 4)
If you recall, last week we saw a clip from Stanley Praimnath. He worked on the 84th floor of one of the WTC towers and he survived. He was a Christian, but this event made him think about how he was investing his life and he ended up becoming a pastor. Sister Jen shared with […]