APRIL 12, 2011 – UPDATE FROM FRANCIS Do Not Forget Them I woke up today at 3am, burdened for our brothers and sisters imprisoned in Iran. Please continue praying for them. If you go to www.elam.com, there are good thoughts on what to pray. Let’s pray for them the way we would want others to […]
Romans 14 – Moral Uniformity vs. Unity: The Nuts and Bolts of Church Life (pt4 of 4)
This is serious business. Our actions may destroy faith in another believer. 20 Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. 21 It is better not to eat meat or drink […]
Romans 14 – Moral Uniformity vs. Unity: The Nuts and Bolts of Church Life (pt3 of 4)
It may be surprising to some, but many issues fall into the disputable matters category. It’s a moral gray area. We can call these personal, moral imperatives or arbitrary absolutes. Arbitrary absolutes? Hey, wait a minute. That sounds post-modern or relativistic because in some sense it is. What do I mean by an arbitrary absolute? […]
Romans 14 – Moral Uniformity vs. Unity: The Nuts and Bolts of Church Life (pt2 of 4)
What is Paul saying when he says the kingdom of God is not about eating and drinking? He is saying that this kingdom is not about moral, ethical areas because there is a higher ethic that is at work with the coming of Christ. An ethic to love one another. There are certainly indisputable matters […]
Romans 14 – Moral Uniformity vs. Unity: The Nuts and Bolts of Church Life (pt1 of 4)
That’s a good title, isn’t it? That’s the end of my sermon. Matthew, can you come up to lead rededication? About a year ago, during the transition period when I was preparing to pastor this church, I prayed to God about what to teach. And we ended up in Romans. I thought this made sense […]
Eugene Cho, on the death of Osama bin Laden
Eugene Cho is a pastor of Quest Church in Seattle and founder of One Day’s Wages, a non-profit fighting world hunger. Here is what he had to say — Like all of you, I was stunned some days ago as I started soaking in the breaking news of Osama bin Laden’s capture and death via […]