If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it. (Genesis 4:7) When temptation enters our hearts and minds, we either deal with it and gain mastery over it, or it eventually […]
Where is Francis Chan? (November 2010)
Update #3 from Lisa Chan We have been here at the children’s home now for 5 or 6 days (I’m losing track) and we are just LOVING it. What a blessing to love and serve these kids! Each child has a unique and tragic story, but to see them giggle and run around, you would […]
“Transformers: Bear or Butterfly?” (Romans 7, Part 5 of 5)
Are you bearing fruit in your life? That’s the only way to know for sure if you are born again. Examine your desires. What do you desire most in life? What are you passionate about? Next, examine your choices. If you know Jesus personally, you have the ability to fight against your sinful nature and […]
“Transformers: Bear or Butterfly?” (Romans 7, Part 4 of 5)
So now we get to the tough question. Many claim to know what the grace of God is. Many say along with Paul — Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! How can you tell a person who is not saved, who is still a slave to sin from a […]
“Transformers: Bear or Butterfly?” (Romans 7, Part 3 of 5)
I hope this biblical explanation doesn’t bore you because this is really important stuff. We tend to think of grace as a ‘better luck next time” pat on the back. You miss a game winning shot in basketball and your coach tells you, hey, you’ll score next game. Don’t give up. Keep trying. This idea […]
“Transformers: Bear or Butterfly?” (Romans 7, Part 2 of 5)
The second perspective suggests that Paul is illustrating in the first person present tense the struggle of someone who WANTS TO FOLLOW GOD but DOES NOT HAVE THE SPIRIT OF GOD LIVING IN THEM. Which was exactly Apostle Paul’s predicament before he met Jesus.