Why is not thinking about ourselves a significant part of sanctification? Because our hearts are like a black hole.
Rom 6 – A Life That Thrives (Part 2 of 5)
Jesus prays for his disciples in John 17:17-19 that they would be sanctified. John 17 17Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. 18As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. 19For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified. Sanctification is not something that […]
Rom 6 – A Life That Thrives (Part 1 of 5)
Please turn with me to Romans 6. We’ll be covering the entire chapter. I’ll read the odd verses and please respond with the even verses. Why do some people thrive in the Christian life and why do some people stumble? Haven’t you ever wondered that? Why some believers soar on wings like eagles and why […]
Paul Washer's 10 Indictments Against the Modern Church
[youtube=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7wzfvYkCW0″] Preached Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008 at the Revival Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Paul Washer delivers an urgent appeal to the Christians and Churches in North America (mostly pastors and church leaders in the audience) that many have been believing a false gospel and have false assurance of their salvation. He lists 10 indictments against […]
Henry Blackaby Devotional: Are You Coming to the Celebration?
So he answered and said to his father, “Lo, these many years I have been serving you; I never transgressed your commandment at any time; and yet you never gave me a young goat, that I might make merry with my friends.” (Luke 15:29) God is concerned with bringing people from death to life. His […]
Mark 6 – Calling and faith partners (Part 3 of 3)
What is the significance of being sent out two by two? God could have sent out each disciple one per region because that would maximize their missionary reach. But why were two sent out together? Have you heard of the Partner Effect experiment where they had a group of people evaluating the length of 3 […]