I want to share about Jesus today. Isn’t every Sunday sermon about Jesus? But if there was the real Jesus and a bunch of counterfeit Jesus in a room, could you pick out the real one? Who is the real Jesus? This is the question I have been asking myself. Do I know the real […]
The National Day of Unplugging and the Sabbath Manifesto
Reboot, a nonprofit organization aimed at reinventing the traditions and rituals of Judaism for today’s secular Jews, is composed of internet entrepreneurs, creators of award-winning television shows, community organizers and nonprofit leaders. These “Rebooters” are people who typically have their cell phones glued to their palms. Several of them go so far as to say […]
Quote from Miroslav Volf
“Christ’s indwelling presence has freed us from exclusive orientation toward ourselves and opened us up in two directions: toward God, to receive the good things in faith, and toward our neighbor, to pass them on in love.” ~ Miroslav Volf [Miroslav Volf (born 1956) is an influential Christian theologian and currently the Henry B. Wright […]
What I learn about myself during March Madness
Here are some things I learn about myself during March Madness which I think are general human principles: 1) We love sports because it gives us a chance to cheer for something larger than ourselves. We get so easily bored with life because we are so busy chasing after small, selfish pursuits. Lesson 1: We […]
The Whispers of God
Over the past week or so, we have been talking about Paul and his worldview. How you fill in the blanks, to live is blank and to die is blank, I believe will have a great impact on what you pursue in life. You may realize that you are in the wrong race, that you […]
A Spiritual Secret from Apostle Paul's Life
Continuing from last time, Paul was shipwrecked, he was imprisoned, he was beaten, but nothing seemed to faze him. How does Paul do it? I can’t do this. Even if I muster all my human willpower, I can’t come close to living like he did. Paul seems almost super human in the book of Acts, […]