PART FOUR: Ch 56-66 SUMMARY LINE: A trusting, redeemed servant Israel becomes the messenger with clean lips through whom the world can find its Savior. Week 1: Ch 1-12 – Calling of Isaiah – to be a servant for Israel, a people of unclean lips – fiery coal Week 2: Ch 13-39 – Same calling […]
Isaiah Ch 40-55
PART THREE: CH 40-55 Ch 6-39 – tied to historic events- Assyrian rule Ch 40-66 – not tied to specific historic events Ch 40-55 speaking hope to a people who fear themselves cast off Remember, Isaiah is speaking during the Assyrian captivity. Babylon is not even on the scene but eventually, Babylon will overthrow Assyria […]
Isaiah Ch 13-39
PART TWO: CH 13-39 Ch 7-12 – posed a question – Is God sovereign for all the nations? Specifically, can God deliver from his people from Assyria? In short, can God be trusted? Ch 13-35 – God’s answer comes in four parts — Ch 13-23 – God asserts his lordship over each of the nations […]
Isaiah – Overview, Timeline, Ch 1-12
Book of Isaiah Intro Recommend Commentary – New International Commentary on the OT by John Oswalt One of the most important books of the Bible, definitely most theological book of OT. Theological book. Themes – many contrasts – divine glory vs human degradation, judgment vs redemption, God’s wisdom vs the stupidity of idols, abundance vs […]
Psalm 16
I love the Psalms and whenever I feel devotionally dry or I don’t know how to pray, I return to the Psalms. Psalms are after all actual prayers of people in Old Testament times. That may have been thousands of years ago, but people at the core really haven’t changed. The psalms which is like […]
What is the Church and Why Should I Care?
Introduction I am not an authority on the church by any stretch. We all have our preferences, and hence, we have our blind sports. I believe I have blind spots, too, but I think I have a bit of a unique perspective because I have been part of and now serving at the same church […]