Text: Habakkuk 1-3 Summary: Pause. Repent of your soulishness. And learn how to live by faith.
Transcript – Our Compassionate Heavenly Father
Text: Jonah 4 Summary: Happy Father’s Day! Our Heavenly Father is full of compassion, pity and mercy toward His children. Happy Father’s Day. I want to recognize the people on the zoom as well. It’s a very special Father’s Day for Daniel. Your first Father’s Day! We are so happy for you. What a great […]
Our Compassionate Heavenly Father
Text: Jonah 4 Summary: Happy Father’s Day! Our Heavenly Father is full of compassion, pity and mercy toward His children.
Transcript – Three Things the Lord Requires of Us
Text: Micah 6:6-8 Summary: 1) To act justly within your sphere of influence with the help of the Holy Spirit. 2) To love expressing steadfast love to God our Father. 3) To be made humble so that you can walk with Jesus all the days of your life. Micah 66 “With what shall I come […]
Three Things the Lord Requires of Us
Text: Micah 6:6-8 Summary: 1) To act justly within your sphere of influence with the help of the Holy Spirit. 2) To love expressing steadfast love to God our Father. 3) To be made humble so that you can walk with Jesus all the days of your life.
Transcript – Jesus’ Life Matters
Text: Amos 5:13, 5:24, 7:7; Matt 6:33, 7:1-5, 24:12, 26:51-52; James 1:19-20; Eph 6:12; Jude 1:8-10; John 6:15, 6:48-71, 8:32 Summary: Silence is not violence. Silence is prudence. Pray, don’t post. Lastly, Jesus is the real “liberation theology.” Father, during this challenging time, where there is so much confusion, we ask that you give us […]