Text: Rev 12:7-17 Summary: May the word of your testimony and mine silence the Accuser in Jesus’ Name.
Transcript – Amazing Hidden Prayer
Text: Rev 7:1-17; 14:1-5 Summary: God’s greatest gift to us is Jesus Christ. He is the power of God and the wisdom of God in full display and everything in Scripture from beginning to end points to Him. Father, we ask that you would speak today. Although things are really confusing at times like this, […]
Amazing Hidden Prayer
Text: Rev 7:1-17; 14:1-5 Summary: God’s greatest gift to us is Jesus Christ. He is the power of God and the wisdom of God in full display and everything in Scripture from beginning to end points to Him.
Transcript – Easter: Jesus Won, Now Live to Win
Text: Rev 3:21-22 Summary: Jesus won! Now it’s our turn. Live to win by holding on to Jesus and resolving that you will never let go of Him. Happy Easter, everybody. Okay, let’s start with a word of prayer. Father, at this time we come to you and we remember your victory. We remember how […]
Easter: Jesus Won, Now Live to Win
Text: Rev 3:21-22 Summary: Jesus won! Now it’s our turn. Live to win by holding on to Jesus and resolving that you will never let go of Him.
Transcript – Jesus, the One and Only Judge
Text: Rev 1:9-20 Summary: There is only one Judge — Jesus Christ. Therefore, repent for judging others and judge yourself instead. Heavenly Father, we just thank you for sending Jesus to come and die for us. Thank you, Lord Jesus. We deserve wrath when instead you showed us so much mercy. And Lord, may we […]