Text: Rev 1:9-20 Summary: There is only one Judge — Jesus Christ. Therefore, repent for judging others and judge yourself instead.
Transcript – Three Washings
Text: 1 John 5:6-8 Summary: We are washed at baptism. We are washed by Jesus’ word (rhema). And we are washed by the blood. Pray this: Jesus, meet me, help me to believe that I’m clean, I pray that you will cleanse me fully by Your blood. Father, we’re so thankful that you give us […]
Three Washings
Text: 1 John 5:6-8 Summary: We are washed at baptism. We are washed by Jesus’ word (rhema). And we are washed by the blood. Pray this: Jesus, meet me, help me to believe that I’m clean, I pray that you will cleanse me fully by Your blood.
Wedding Sermon (Peter and Bekah Ngo)
Text: Eph 5:25-27; John 13:10-11 Summary: The marriage covenant teaches us what it means to be washed by the word.
Transcript – God’s Perspective for a Global Slowdown
Text: 1 John 2:5-6; 4:9, 17-18 Summary: During this global slowdown, it is time to learn how to abide in Jesus Christ. John 155 I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. […]
God’s Perspective for a Global Slowdown
Text: 1 John 2:5-6; 4:9, 17-18 Summary: During this global slowdown, it is time to learn how to abide in Jesus Christ.