Text: John 12:25 Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. John 1225 Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Father, We desire to learn from Jesus today what our […]
Our Attitude Toward this Life
Text: John 12:25 Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
Transcript – Our Good Shepherd, Our Great Shepherd, Our Chief Shepherd
Text: John 10:1-16, 27-29 Summary: When you listen for Jesus’ voice and follow Him, Jesus Himself promises many things to you in John 10. He will save you (10:9) He will lead you (10:3-4) He will feed you (10:9) He will give you abundant life (10:10) He will lay down His life for you (10:11) […]
Our Good Shepherd, Our Great Shepherd, Our Chief Shepherd
Text: John 10:1-16, 27-29 When you listen for Jesus’ voice and follow Him, Jesus Himself promises many things to you in John 10. He will save you (10:9) He will lead you (10:3-4) He will feed you (10:9) He will give you abundant life (10:10) He will lay down His life for you (10:11) He […]
Church Polity and Governance
Please follow along as we cover these verses.
Transcript – Our Primary Work
Text: John 6:28-29, 39-40 Summary: As believers, our primary work is to believe in Jesus. God’s will for Jesus is to not lose any believer and to keep us for final salvation. Father, we thank you for bringing us here into a house of prayer where we can exalt you, Lord Jesus. We thank you […]