Preacher: Pastor Ray Main text: Heb 12:3-11 God disciplines those He loves and this discipline leads to life (12:9), holiness (12:10), and righteousness (12:11).
Transcript – Put Away Anger in All Its Forms
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Eph 4:17-32 Summary: Put away anger in all its forms and put on kindness, tenderheartedness and a forgiving spirit. Ephesians 417 Now this I say and testify in the Lord, that you must no longer walk as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their minds. 18 They are darkened in […]
Put Away Anger in All Its Forms
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Eph 4:17-32 Put away anger in all its forms and put on kindness, tenderheartedness and a forgiving spirit.
Transcript – The Head of the Church, the Savior of the Body, and the Future Bridegroom
Text: Eph 5:21-33 Summary: Jesus is the Head of the Church – this means we must obey Him. Jesus is the Savior of the body – this means we must receive Him and all that He has for us. Jesus is our future Bridegroom – this means we must love Him. We had a beautiful […]
The Head of the Church, the Savior of the Body, and the Future Bridegroom
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Eph 5:21-33 Jesus is the Head of the Church – this means we must obey Him. Jesus is the Savior of the body – this means we must receive Him and all that He has for us. Jesus is our future Bridegroom – this means we must love Him.
Transcript – Watch and Pray
Text: Mark 14:32-42 Summary: Pray to discern false teachers. Pray to endure the present and future persecution. Pray to express your heartfelt desire for Jesus’ return. Pray for a willing spirit to pray. Pray for your flesh and your emotions not to get in the way of you praying. Mark chapter 13 is the famous […]