Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Gen 32:22-32 Jacob (“Yaaqob”) has striven with God and men and has prevailed (“yakol”). Notice the word play. Because Jacob, the prevailer, prevailed, God blessed him and changed his name to Israel, which means, “God strives.” In the same way that Jacob clung to God and asked for a blessing, we, […]
The Righteous Live By Faith in Jesus
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Gen 28:10-22 Jacob was a righteous man who lived by faith. Likewise, we, too, must live by faith in Jesus and He will be your Shield and your Shepherd.
God Loved Jacob and Hated Esau
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Gen 25:19-28 In the same way that Jacob was loved by God and Esau hated, for those of us who are in Christ, who cling forcefully to Jesus, you are the object of unimaginable mercy and God’s everlasting love.
Isaac: A Story about Faith, Obedience and Surrender
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Gen 27:1-40 Absolute faith leads to absolute obedience and culminates in absolute surrender.
Like Father, Like Son, Like Christian
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Gen 22:1-14 Like Abraham, like Isaac, you and I need to believe in Jesus no matter the cost.
Cain and Abel: Overcoming Sin Before It Overcomes You (1 John 3)
Preacher: Pastor Ray Cain is mentioned in 1 John 3 and is used as a case study in darkness. Apostle John makes the shocking claim that the heart of someone who sees a brother in financial need and deliberately closes his heart to him is the same heart that hates a brother enough to […]