Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: John 14:21-24 If you love Jesus, you will love the Word, you will keep the Word, and you will wait for the Word.
Jesus, Our Husband and Lord
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: John 14:18-31 Jesus is our Husband and our Lord.
Heaven: Not a Place but a Person
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: John 14:1-11 Heaven is not (primarily) a future place; it’s a Person and it begins now.
What is Belief?
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: John 20:27-29 Belief is trusting in Jesus, that He is My Lord and My God.
Easter 2017
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: John 12:20-28 Homesickness is part of the Christian experience.
Good Friday 2017
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: John 13:1-20 Jesus washing the disciples’ feet is not primarily about cleansing; it’s about connecting.