Resurrection Day
Reflection – How Did I Encounter Jesus in 2013? (pt3 of 3)
I wasn’t aware of the severity of spiritual battle until this year. I began this year with those sermons about the figless fig tree in Matthew and I had to ask myself, have I born any fruit? In my 20 years of walking with Jesus, do I know him as well as I do a […]
Reflection – How Did I Encounter Jesus in 2013? (pt2 of 3)
Matt 23 13 “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You lock up the kingdom of heaven from people. For you don’t go in, and you don’t allow those entering to go in. One thing is for sure. Religion and tradition will not save you. These religious leaders were highly committed to their way […]
Reflection – How Did I Encounter Jesus in 2013? (pt1 of 3)
Today, I want us to take a look back on 2013. Was it a good year for you? Was it a good year for us, Hill Community Church? How do you define a year as being good or successful? What criteria do you use? Is it a good year if you got a new job […]
Colossians 3: Putting on Christ (pt3 of 3)
When I was in the 6th grade, I started taekwondo. I was a chubby, shy kid back then and my parents wanted to teach me some discipline so I started training under a 10th degree black belt, which is the highest rank you can get up to. There were photographs of the Grand Master Kwan […]