Preacher: Pastor Ray We often talk about “wasting” our lives FOR Jesus. But do you know what it means to waste your life ON Jesus? Let’s take a closer look at Mary’s life as she poured out her entire life savings literally ON Jesus in a singular act of extravagant worship. Nothing captures the heart […]
Jesus, the Object of and Model for Our Worship
Due to a recording problem, this sermon has been split into 2 separate files (Part 1 and 2) Part 1 Part 2 Preacher: Pastor Ray We all agree that Jesus ought to be the object of our worship. Have you ever considered the fact that Jesus is also the model for our worship?
Worshiping in Spirit and Truth (John 4)
Preacher: Pastor Ray To worship at the deepest spirit-level, you need to be truthful. The real you needs to be present in order for you to enter true worship. Listen as we talk about our need for renewed minds, surrendered wills and kindled emotions.
Christmas 2015: The Christ Awakens (John 1)
Preacher: Pastor Ray Jesus is The Word, The Life, The Light and The Way.
Book of John: What’s Your Name?
Outline: significance of names in the Bible, salvation and the ministry of the Holy Spirit (John 14-16), Peter’s life (John 21) and see how all of these concepts work its way out in a believer’s life.
Acts 9: Supernatural Christianity?
Stream from mobile phone: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”″] Stream from PC: [audio:] Sermon Notes On the beach, you sometimes pick up a crab thinking it’s alive, but realize that it’s just the shell that’s been discarded by birds. Have we removed the substance of Christian life and given only the shell? Have we gutted the Spirit out […]