RECAP 1) Religion is all about rules. 2) Religious people are more interested in self than others. 3) Religious people think God wants them to sacrifice and mercy is completely foreign to them. 4) Religious people bear bad fruit. 5) Religious people deal with sin through human effort. Religion cannot save us. If we are […]
Matt 12 – The Lord of the Sabbath and the Promised Messiah (pt2 of 3)
1) Jesus shows that religion is all about rules. 1 At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them. 2 When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, “Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on […]
Matt 12 – The Lord of the Sabbath and the Promised Messiah (pt1 of 3)
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving. I heard that the dorms provided turkeys for dinner on Thanksgiving. And they were cooked by some of you here. I am not sure how those turkeys turned out. I trust they were good. If you are not an experienced turkey chef, you have no appreciation for how difficult […]
Matthew 11 – Rest for All, Disciples Included (pt4 of 4)
4) Rest for the sinner Jesus provides rest for those who minister, he provides rest for the doubters, he provides rest for those who are suffering, and lastly, Jesus provides rest for the sinner. Jesus prefaces the verses about rest with verses 16-24 about sin. Before we can talk about true rest, we cannot ignore […]
Matthew 11 – Rest for All, Disciples Included (pt3 of 4)
3) Rest for those who are suffering Jesus offers rest for those in ministry. He offers rest for the doubters. Third, Jesus offers rest for those who are suffering. John is beginning to doubt. So he sends out his disciples to ask Jesus, are you the Messiah? And the gist of what Jesus said in […]
Matthew 11 – Rest for All, Disciples Included (pt2 of 4)
2) Rest for the doubters Jesus also offers rest for the doubters. If you want to talk about someone who is forcefully advancing God’s kingdom, John the Baptist is certainly on the list. John the Baptist was on the frontlines. He was all in. I mean, this guy dressed up in clothes made of camel […]