Audio file Text: Matt 16:13-20
Jesus Models How To Be a Beloved Child of God
Audio file Text: Matt 3:13:17 Summary: 2 groups of people in the Body of Christ the Lord wants to address: 1) those who are lazy and think God loves them no matter what and 2) the restless workaholics who feel pressure always to do something to merit God’s love.
The Unleavened Teaching of Christ
Audio file Text: Mark 8:15; Matt 16:6 Summary: The unleavened teaching of Christ leads to a life that is supernatural (not natural). The unleavened teaching of Christ honors secular authorities while maintaining a prophetic voice, leading to a life of conviction (not compromise). The unleavened teaching of Christ leads to thanksgiving and praise (not lip […]
It’s Time to Pass Our Tests
Audio file Text: James 1:2-7, 12-17; Matt 26:36-44 Summary: Jesus was steadfast under numerous trials. God tested Him and He passed every test with flying colors. Now it’s time to pass our tests.
3 Baptisms in Scripture: Asking for a Good Conscience
Audio file Testimony by Pauline Park Text: Matt 3:1-12 Summary: Why am I stuck as a believer, never changing, never maturing, never progressing from a believer to a true disciple to a soldier for Christ? Answer: it’s a problem with our conscience.
Becoming a Soldier for Christ (Part 1)
Text: Matt 13:51-52; 2 Tim 2:1-7 Summary: To become a soldier for Christ, you and I must ask Jesus to disciple us. And learn from Him and listen to Him.