Instead of binding you with religion, Paul said, you were not bound under my leadership. Actually, as an apostle, I will allow myself to be bound for your sake. For the sake of church planting and missions, I will endure whatever hardships come my way because Satan doesn’t want God’s work to advance. If you […]
2 Corinthians – Teaching #1: Repentance and the Reality of Spiritual Battle (pt2 of 3)
There was a happy ending, but there were 6-7 years of a rocky relationship between Paul and the Corinthian church. And much of time, Paul was not there. Either because of missions or because he wasn’t welcome. You can see how false apostles could easily turn the Corinthians against Paul. Not only does he not […]
2 Corinthians – Teaching #1: Repentance and the Reality of Spiritual Battle (pt1 of 3)
Main text: 2 Cor 11:1-15 About a year ago, we finished 1 Corinthians and took a break from our trek through the Bible to study the gospel of Matthew. Now, we are picking up where we left off and starting today, I will preach the next 7 weeks from 2 Corinthians. You may find it […]
Easter Sunday – Resurrection Faith: Just As He Said (Matt 28:1-10)
Main text: Matt 28:1-10 Happy Easter! He is risen. Did you know that every Sunday is a resurrection Sunday? When we gather for Sunday worship each and every week, we are gathering to celebrate His resurrection. Worship has to be the dominant flavor of our Sunday gathering. Because God so loved us, He loved us […]
Matt 26 – Jesus is Worth It: Love Extravagantly (pt3 of 3)
Underlying Judas’ betrayal, the motivation behind why Judas said, why wasn’t this money given to the poor was his love of money. Let’s call it what it is. Money was his idol. Judas didn’t love the poor. He didn’t love Jesus. He was ready to betray Jesus for $1,000. That’s how much Jesus was worth […]
Matt 26 – Jesus is Worth It: Love Extravagantly (pt2 of 3)
Compare the trio of Lazarus, Martha and Mary, their gratitude, with that of the disciples and Judas in particular. In Matt 26:8, you have a chorus of indignant disciples shouting, why this waste? I get it. We have to be good stewards. We can’t give away our life savings every single day in a moment […]