Today, I want to talk about eternity. Having an eternal perspective. Having an eternal perspective does a few things for the believer: 1) keeps the believer humble, 2) motivates the believer to live wisely, and 3) allows the believer to understand the goal of suffering. Having an eternal perspective is so important in the Christian […]
2 Corinthians 4 – Teaching #3: The Gospel of Christ (pt3 of 3)
5) Furthermore, the gospel illumines minds. 6 For God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the KNOWLEDGE… If the god of this age blinds unbelievers in their minds (v4) so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of […]
2 Corinthians 4 – Teaching #3: The Gospel of Christ (pt2 of 3)
Sin makes us crave darkness. It produces ignorance because we think we know something because our minds are puffed up with pieces of knowledge. Yet, all we have are vague approximations. Opinions. Our knowledge is piecemeal. It’s full of holes. We see dim outlines on the walls of a cave. Because we don’t have the […]
2 Corinthians 4 – Teaching #3: The Gospel of Christ (pt1 of 3)
Main thesis: Sin makes us crave darkness, produces ignorance and causes us to pursue self-glory while the gospel shines light, illumines minds and frees us to pursue the glory of God. I want you to be able to walk away from this sermon with this one line. Sin does 3 things and the gospel does […]
2 Corinthians 3 – Teaching #2: The New Covenant (pt3 of 3)
When someone encounters Jesus and the veil is lifted and the Spirit breathes lives in your heart, you are not the same person. You change. I want to end outlining a few gospel fruits. Or evidence that you have truly met the Christ of the new covenant. The first gospel fruit is freedom. Going back […]
2 Corinthians 3 – Teaching #2: The New Covenant (pt2 of 3)
These false teachers were confident because of the letters of rec, the commendation they received from others. But that wasn’t the only source of their confidence. Not only are the false teachers being recommended by other false teachers, it’s a situation of the blind leading the blind, but also there was an issue of competence. […]