In addition to the nations, another group mentioned during the end times is Israel. 15 “So when you see the abomination that causes desolation, spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place” (let the reader understand), 16 “then those in Judea must flee to the mountains! This is an odd phrase at […]
Matt 24 – End Times: Missions, Faithful Service, Perseverance, and Watchful Readiness (pt1 of 3)
I want to start by being honest. I have to say, Matthew 24 and Matthew 25 are tough passages. Matthew 24 in particular is one of the hardest in Scripture because it is dealing with eschatology or the study of end times. Chapters like Matthew 24 and 25 make me regret, for a moment, the […]
Matt 22 – Choosing God Moment by Moment (pt3 of 3)
Whatever or whomever we value, either in terms of the event itself or the host of the event who invited us, if it is something or someone we value, of course, we’d drop everything to accept the invitation and be there. The same principle applies here. When God invites us, when He calls us, the […]
Matt 22 – Choosing God Moment by Moment (pt2 of 3)
The last encounter is between Jesus and a lone Pharisee. This guy is listening to Jesus and the other religious leaders go at it. He’s a Pharisee and as a Pharisee, he’s probably competitive with the Sadducees because they represent a divergent theological view and Jesus had just silenced them. And that’s why they are […]
Matt 22 – Choosing God Moment by Moment (pt1 of 3)
Today, I want to talk about commitment and the importance of choosing God moment by moment. We live in a non-committal culture. I believe we have become a non-committal people esp. in this country because we live in an age of seemingly endless options and choices. I worship the god of K.O.O. Keep Options Open. […]
Matt 21, 23 – Deceived by a Figless Fig Tree (pt3 of 3)
First point: Talk is cheap without the fruit to back it up. There is a lot of talk in churches. Especially those in leadership, they wouldn’t be in leadership if they were quiet. They wouldn’t be recognized as leaders if they did not far excel others in the group. Excel in terms of gifting. Excel […]